Create Hours - HRS3300

Payroll > Maintenance > Hours/Pay Transmittals > Create Hours

This tab is used to mass create the regular and overtime hours that pay type 3 hourly employees are scheduled and authorized to work by pay date. Hours can only be created for pay dates that have not been processed. You can enter a default number of hours, and then apply the default to all employee records displayed (e.g., 8.00) without a number of hours. The default can be overwritten by a value entered for an individual employee.

Retrieve eligible employees:

❏ Under Retrieval Options, enter any of the following criteria:

Field Description
Pay DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select an unprocessed pay date. The field must be populated to retrieve any eligible employees.
DepartmentType the correct department code, or leave blank to select all.
CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select a campus code.
Job CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a job code.

❏ Under Hours, accept the default (Regular) or select Overtime.

❏ Click Retrieve. The selected employee information is displayed.

Create regular hours:

HoursType the number of hours that the majority of employees are authorized to work (e.g., 8.00).

❏ Click Default. All employees without a value in the Reg Hours column are assigned the default hours (e.g., 8.00).

The Emp Nbr and First/Middle/Last Name fields display the employee's information from the Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic tab.

Job CodeDisplays the code for the employee's pay type 3 job assignments. The information is from the Staff Job/Pay Data page.
Reg HoursType the new regular hour value for the employee.
CampusDisplays the number of the primary campus where the employee is assigned for the job. The information is from the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab.
DeptDisplays the department code where the employee is assigned. The information is from the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab.
Pay TypeDisplays the type of pay for the selected employee. The code is assigned on the Staff Job/Pay Data page, Job Info tab.

❏ Click Save. The data is transferred to the Regular Hours tab allowing you to create the actual transmittals.

Create overtime hours:

Ovtm HoursType the number of hours that the majority of employees are authorized to work (e.g., 4.00).

❏ Click Default. All employees without a value in the Ovtm Hrs column are assigned the default hours (e.g., 4.00).

The Emp Nbr and First/Middle/Last Name fields display the employee's information from the Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic tab.

Job CodeDisplays the code and description for the employee's job assignments that are overtime-eligible. The information is from the Staff Job/Pay Data page.
Ovtm HrsType a new value for overtime hours the selected employee has worked.
Ovtm RateDisplays the overtime rate for the employee that was assigned on the Staff Job/Pay Data > Hourly/Substitute tab.
Ovtm AmtDisplays an amount that is equal to Ovtm Hrs x Ovtm Rate.
CampusDisplays the number of the primary campus where the employee is assigned for the job. The information is from the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab.
DeptDisplays the department code where the employee is assigned. The information is from the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab.
Pay TypeDisplays the type of pay for the selected employee. The code is assigned on the Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab.
DistributionDisplays the account code against which the employee's overtime pay is charged.

❏ Click Save.