Payroll > Maintenance > Hours/Pay Transmittals > Ded Refund
This tab is used to maintain records of deduction refund transmittals for employee paychecks in which incorrect deductions were taken. This tab is used for correcting deduction errors. Note that transmittal records cannot be changed after a payroll has been run.
Note: Entries on this page are processed when selecting Regular or Supplemental Payroll in the Run Payroll process page.
❏ Under Retrieval Options, enter any of the following criteria:
❏ Click Retrieve. The selected employee information is displayed in the grid area and the free form area at the bottom of the tab.
The Emp Nbr and First/Middle/Last Name fields display the employee's information from the Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic tab.
❏ Click +Add to retrieve another employee. A new row is added with the cursor in the Emp Nbr field.
Emp Nbr |
Type the employee number. Or, click Directory to perform a search in the Employees directory. |
❏ Click Duplicate Selected to duplicate deduction refund transactions for all employees highlighted for future pay dates. The link displays after you click +Add or after existing transactions are retrieved. The Pay Dates pop-up window is displayed with a list of available pay dates from the pay date table.
❏ Click Save to save the changes.
❏ Click Duplicate All to duplicate deduction refund transactions for all employees listed for future pay dates. This link displays after clicking on +Add in the grid or after retrieving existing transactions. The Pay Dates pop-up window is displayed with a list of available pay dates from the pay date table.
❏ Click Save to save the changes.
❏ Click Unselect All to unselect all highlighted employees. The link displays after you click +Add or after existing transactions are retrieved.
Retrieve |
The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost. |
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Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.
Click to print the report. Review the report. |