The Create General Journal tab is a display-only grid of previous pay runs that have not been saved as pending or interfaced to Finance.
❏ Select the row(s) to create a general journal for the pay run.
❏ Click Create Gen Journal.
A message may be displayed if all account amounts net to zero for the selected payroll and there are no accounts to process. You are prompted to set the interface flag.
Click Yes. The interface flag is set to Y (meaning the payroll has been interfaced to Finance).
Click No. The interface flag is not reset, and the entry will remain on this page.
If any errors exist that are forcing entries to object code 3600 - undesignated fund balance, a message is displayed indicating that a report is being printed and that transactions with object code 3600 have been created. The report is sent directly to the printer and indicates the employees that could be causing the out of balance. Click OK to view the general journal report.
If there are no errors, the General Journal, Funds Transfer Summary, and Auto JV Transaction Summary preview reports are displayed.
Review the report.
Click Save Pending. A message is displayed indicating that the general journal transactions were successfully saved as pending.
Click Cancel to not save the transactions and return to the Create General Journal tab. The pay run that was being processed is shown in the grid.
Click X to close the window.
If after restoring HR tables through the import process, payrolls that had been previously posted to Finance reappear on this page, click Reset Interface Flags. A message box is displayed with the message, “When the interface posting flags are reset, the payroll transactions cannot be interfaced to Finance,” and asks whether
to reset the Interface Posting Flags.
Click Yes. The interface flag is set to Y (meaning the payroll will no longer display on the page).
Click No. The interface flag is not reset, nothing is changed, and the payroll will continue to display on the page.