Payroll > Reports > Payroll Reports > Wage and Earning Statement
The report contains the same information as the paycheck stub: employee's name and address, current period and year-to-date earnings and deductions, and leave data. The form can serve the same purpose as a check stub for those employees using direct deposit or EFT. The statement can also be used as a salary notification form for employees at the beginning of the school year. Statements are printed alphabetically by campus after running calculations or after posting the payroll master file.
The earnings YTD amounts are derived from the current calendar YTD record.
When total dependent care (employee and/or employer) exceeds $5,000 for the calendar year, an additional deduction line is displayed on the reports to separate the taxable and nontaxable parts of that deduction.
If the calendar year is greater than 2013, the non-TRS nontax business allowance and non-TRS nontax nonpay business allowance amounts are not included in the taxable gross calculations.
Note: The E-mail button is disabled when the Preview Employees with No E-mail option is selected from the report page