Leave Type - HRS2100

Payroll > Tables > Leave > Leave Type

This tab is used to add or change leave codes, limits, and docking options. The leave codes are shown by payroll frequency code, so only the codes for the payroll frequency to which the user has access are displayed. The tab consists of a grid at the top and a free-form area at the bottom.

Create a leave type:

Field Description
Start Leave TypeType a leave type code to narrow the number of leave type codes that are displayed on the tab.

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Leave TypeClick Ellipsis Icon to select a code from the drop-down list.
Description ShortAutomatically populated when you select a leave type code.
Description LongAutomatically populated when you select a leave type code.
StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select a status (A - Active or I - Inactive) for the selected leave type.
Stub PositionType the order in which the information for this category is printed on the paycheck stub (e.g., 1, 2). If blank, the information for the category is not printed on the paycheck stub.
Max BalanceThe system is set to zero. Type the maximum hours or days of leave that an employee can accumulate as a leave balance. A zero value means unlimited leave can be earned.
Days/HrsClick Drop-down Arrow to select whether to display leave balance in days or hours.
Dock With Balance

By default, this field is not selected.

If not selected:

Leave sequencing occurs first.
Leave used in excess of all available leave balances including leave sequencing is docked from employee pay.

If selected:

Docking occurs first. The system automatically docks employee pay for leave units used and reduces the ending balance by the number of leave units used.
Leave sequencing occurs second.
Leave used in excess of all available leave balances including leave sequencing is docked from employee pay.

Note: If Subtract From Balance is not selected, docking will not occur.

Subtract From Balance

By default, Subtract From Balance is selected. This option is often used to track In-Service or Jury Duty absences.

If selected, the leave taken is subtracted from the balance and added to the leave used, and docking occurs according to the selection for the leave type on the Leave Rates table.

If not selected, leave is added to the Leave Used field and docking does not occur for insufficient leave and/or leave that has an order and duration in the Leave Rates tab (regardless of the Dock With Balance selection). Dock history records are not created, and the ending balance does not change.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

PrintClick to print the report. Review the report.
Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.