Payroll > Utilities > Imputed Income Extract
This page is used to calculate the employer contribution amount for the TI deduction code. Only active employees with pay type 1, 2, or 3 jobs with at least one of the selected LI deduction codes are included in the process.
Additionally, it is recommended for comparison purposes that you generate a user-created report for employees who have current TI deduction codes.
For additional information, reference IRS Publications 15-B and 525.
❏ Select a pay Frequency. Only one pay frequency can be processed at a time. By default, the logged-on pay frequency is selected; however, all pay frequency(ies) that are selected on the District Administration > Tables > District Information > Payroll Frequencies tab are enabled.
Field | Description |
Calendar Year (YYYY) | Type the calendar year for which you want to calculate imputed income. This field determines an employee's age as of 12-31 of the entered tax year. |
Excess Income Amount | Type the amount stipulated by the IRS for imputed income consideration. |
Key Employee Annual Salary | Type the salary amount (prior to applying the multiplier) at which the full amount of the benefit is subject to the imputed income calculation. The total is not reduced by the Excess Income Amount. If zero entered, the Excess Income Amount is subtracted from all employees. |
From Contract Begin Date (MM-DD-YYYY) | Type the beginning contract month, day, and year from which you want to extract data. This date is compared to the employee's primary job contract date. |
To Contract Begin Date (MM-DD-YYYY) | Type the ending contract month to which you want to extract data. This date is compared to the employee's primary job contract date. |
❏ Under Deduction Codes:
❏ Click +Add to add a row.
❏ Click Execute. After the process is completed, all of the database updates are performed and the reports menu is displayed.
If any errors are encountered during the export process, the Imputed Income Extract Errors report is displayed. A preview report of the calculations and TI deductions is available. Review the report.
❏ Click Continue to continue the process. Or, click Return.
A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully.