Mass Change Payroll Account Codes - HRS8000

Payroll > Utilities > Mass Change Payroll Account Codes > Mask Crosswalk

This utility is used to select a fund/year number and change it to another fund/year number, taking the transactions from the old fund/year to the new fund/year.

When logged on to the current year, only accounts for active employees are changed. When logged on to next year, accounts for all employees are changed.

Mass change account codes:

Field Description
From Fund/YrType the account code elements to be corrected.
To Fund/YrType the corrected account code elements.

Note: Verify the fund/year code fields for accuracy. The system will change what is in the From Fund/Yr field to what is in the To Fund/Yr field, even if it is not correct.

❏ Under Current Year Frequency, select from the following options:

  • 4 - Biweekly
  • 5 - Semimonthly
  • 6 - Monthly

❏ Under Options, select from the following options:

  • Update Distributions - Only active employee records are updated.
  • Update Transmittals (Unprocessed) - Processed transmittals are not updated.
  • Update Job Code Table
  • Update Extra Duty Table
  • Update PMIS Distributions

❏ Click Execute to initiate the mass change of the selected payroll account codes.

  • If any errors are encountered, the Mask Crosswalk Error Listing Report is displayed.
  • If no errors are encountered, the Mass Change Payroll Account Codes Report is displayed.

Review the report.

❏ Click Process. You are prompted to create a backup.

A message is displayed indicating that the process was successfully completed. Click OK.

❏ Click Cancel to cancel the process.


  • To include additional account codes in the mass update, click +Add.
  • If changing more than one account code at a time, make sure that all criteria can be accommodated.
  • If all criteria cannot be accommodated, complete one mask at a time.
  • If the export file was previously run, click Execute again to create the new funds.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.