Deductions - HRS3400

Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Deductions

This utility is used to update deductions for a number of employees at a single time. Deduction data may be updated by a variety of criteria including pay type, pay grade, primary campus, and pay frequency. The Deductions tab allows users to add, change, and delete deduction codes as well as alter the number of remaining payments and the existing dollar amounts associated with the deductions. Mass deduction updates are very useful at the beginning of the year when many employees are being added to insurance programs. Once deductions are added using this tab, they are reflected in the individual deduction records.

Mass update deductions:

❏ Under Parameters, select the appropriate parameters for the employees whose deduction data is to be changed.

TIP: Prior to processing a mass update, capture a screenshot of the parameters used for future reference.

Field Description
Pay StatusSelect whether active, inactive, or both groups are to be included in the process.
Pay TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-digit pay type to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Job CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the four-digit job code to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Accrual CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-character accrual code to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Pay GradeType the three-digit pay grade to be included in the process.
Prior Yr Emp DateType a date in the MMDDYYYY format for the previous school year reemployment date. The system will select all employees who were hired on or before that date. If there is no reemployment date from the previous school year, the system will use the employee's original employment date.
Primary CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the three-digit primary campus to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Pay CampusClick Drop-down Arrow to select the three-digit pay campus to be included in the process. The system is set to All.
Contract Begin DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the exact contract begin date to be included in the process.
Contract End DateClick Drop-down Arrow to select the exact contract end date to be included in the process.
Contract MonthsType the contract months to be included in the process.
Payoff DateClick Ellipsis Icon to select the payoff date to be included in the process.
Payroll FreqClick Drop-down Arrow to select the one-digit payroll frequency to be included in the process. The system is set to the current logged-on payroll frequency. A specific payroll frequency must be selected; otherwise, no data displays.
Salary ConceptClick Drop-down Arrow to select the salary concept to be used in the process. The system is set to All. However, when calculating salaries, a specific salary concept must be selected (e.g., A - Use annual salary table, D - Use hourly/daily rate table, or M - Use mid-point table). If All is selected, the system will not perform salary calculations.
Extract IDClick Drop-down Arrow to select a three-character, locally assigned code (e.g., En1 = English 1, AL2 = Algebra 2, HI4 = History 4) for grouping employees. The code is used to tag employee records for a batch process (e.g., copy or extract). Each employee must have the Extract ID set in the Employment Info tab before they can be selected using this function.
Employee NbrIf you want to update data for only one employee, type the employee number, if known. If the employee number is not known or multiple employees are needed, click Ellipsis Icon to select employees.

❏ Under Method, select the type of deduction change to be implemented.

Change Existing Code and Amounts to Another

In the If Deduction Code field, click Ellipsis Icon to select the deduction code to be changed.

Under Change Deduction Info:

In the New Code field, click Ellipsis Icon to select the new deduction code.

In the Net Amount field, type the dollar value of the deduction.

In the Remaining Payments field, type the number of payments remaining.

In the Emplr Contrib field, type the dollar value of the employer's contribution.

By default, Refund is set to No Update, which indicates that no updates will be implemented to the refunds. You can set Update All Records to N or Update All Records to Y.

By default, Cafe 125 is set to No Update, which indicates that no updates will be made to the cafeteria 125. You can set Update All Records to N or Update All Records to Y.

Change Remaining Deduction Payments

In the Set Number of Remaining Payments for All Deduction Codes field, type the number of remaining deduction payments. This field changes the number of remaining payments for all deduction codes. If you want to adjust the remaining payments for specific deduction codes, use the following two fields. If you enter data into this field and the following two fields, the system is set to the data in this field.

Note: If changing the number of remaining payments to zero, a deduction code must be selected.

Under Change Remaining Deduction Payments:

  • In the Deduction Code field, click Drop-down Arrow to select the deduction code for which the remaining payments are to be changed.
  • In the Remaining Payments field, type the new number of payments remaining.
Change Dollar Amount on Existing Code

In the If Deduction Code field, click Ellipsis Icon to select the deduction code from which the dollar amount is to be changed.

Under Change Dollar Amount:

In the Net Amount From field, type the dollar value of the net amount from which the deduction is being changed.

In the Net Amount To field, type the dollar value of the net amount to which the deduction is being changed.

In the Emplr Contrib From field, type the dollar value of the employer amount from which the deduction is being changed.

In the Emplr Contrib To field, type the dollar value of the employer amount to which the deduction is being changed.

Add Deduction Code to Employees

Under Add Deduction Info:

In the New Code field, click Ellipsis Icon to select the new deduction code.

In the Net Amount field, type the dollar value of the deduction.

In the Remaining Payments field, type the number of payments remaining.

In the Emplr Contrib field, type the dollar value of the employer's contribution.

By default, the Refund check box is not selected and the description is set to Update All Records to N indicating that no updates will be implemented to the refunds. Select the check box to set the option to Update All Records to Y indicating that all records will be updated.

By default, the Cafe 125 check box is not selected and the description is set to Update All Records to N, which indicates that no updates will be made to the cafeteria 125. Select the check box to set the option to Update All Records to Y indicating that all records will be updated.

Delete Deduction Code from Employees

The list of deduction codes associated with the employer are displayed showing the deduction type, deduction abbreviation, and description.

Use the scroll bar to locate the deduction code that needs to be deleted.

Select Delete for each code that needs to be removed.

Note: To select multiple rows when the deduction codes are consecutive, select a deduction code to start at, and then press and hold SHIFT while selecting a deduction code to end the selection process. All deduction codes (between the first and last deduction code) in the sequence are now selected for deletion.

Delete Deduction Code with Zero Remaining Payments from Employees

The list of deduction codes associated with the employer are displayed showing the deduction type, deduction abbreviation, and description.

Use the scroll bar to locate the deduction code that needs to be deleted.

Select Delete for each code that needs to be removed.

Note: To select multiple rows when the deduction codes are consecutive, select a deduction code to start at, and then press and hold SHIFT while selecting a deduction code to end the selection process. All deduction codes (between the first and last deduction code) in the sequence are now selected for deletion.

Change Existing Code only to AnotherIn the From Deduction Code field, click Drop-down Arrow to select the deduction code to be changed from.

In the To Deduction Code field, click Drop-down Arrow to select the deduction code to change to.

❏ Click Execute to execute the process. A preview report is displayed. Review the report.

❏ Click Process to accept the changes and continue.

A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully.

❏ Click Cancel to return to the Mass Update page.

Other functions and features:

ResetClick to reset all previously selected parameter options to the default.