Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Deductions
This utility is used to update deductions for a number of employees at a single time. Deduction data may be updated by a variety of criteria including pay type, pay grade, primary campus, and pay frequency. The Deductions tab allows users to add, change, and delete deduction codes as well as alter the number of remaining payments and the existing dollar amounts associated with the deductions. Mass deduction updates are very useful at the beginning of the year when many employees are being added to insurance programs. Once deductions are added using this tab, they are reflected in the individual deduction records.
❏ Under Parameters, select the appropriate parameters for the employees whose deduction data is to be changed.
TIP: Prior to processing a mass update, capture a screenshot of the parameters used for future reference.
❏ Under Method, select the type of deduction change to be implemented.
❏ Click Execute to execute the process. A preview report is displayed. Review the report.
❏ Click Process to accept the changes and continue.
A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully.
❏ Click Cancel to return to the Mass Update page.
Reset | Click to reset all previously selected parameter options to the default. |