Payroll > Utilities > Mass Update > Employee
This utility is used to update employee data for a number of employees at a single time. Employee data may be updated by a variety of criteria including pay type, pay grade, primary campus, and pay frequency. The Employee tab allows users to reset, increment, or modify employee data. The data that may be altered includes the number of annual payments, number of days employed, contract begin date, and number of years of local experience. Once employee data is altered using this page, changes are reflected in the individual employee records.
❏ Under Parameters, select the appropriate parameters for the employees whose employee data is to be changed.
TIP: Prior to processing a mass update, capture a screenshot of the parameters used for future reference.
❏ Under Reset, select the employee data to reset:
❏ Under (Number of):
Annual Payments | Select to reset employee data for a number of annual payments, or leave blank to not reset the number of annual payments. To the right of Annual Payments, type the number of annual payments. If left blank, the value is zero. |
Remaining Payments | Select to reset employee data for a number of remaining payments, or leave blank to not reset the number of remaining payments. To the right of Remaining Payments, type the number of remaining payments. If left blank, the value is zero. |
WC Annual Payments | Select to reset employee data for a number of annual workers' compensation payments, or leave blank to not reset the number of annual workers' compensation payments. To the right of WC Annual Payments, type the number of annual payments. If left blank, the value is zero. |
WC Remaining Payments | Select to reset employee data for a number of remaining workers' compensation payments, or leave blank to not reset the number of remaining workers' compensation payments. To the right of WC Remaining Payments, type the number of remaining payments. If left blank, the value is zero. |
❏ Under Increment, select the employee data to increment:
WARNING: Data should only be incremented one time.
Pay Step | Select to increment the pay step for employees, or leave blank to not increment the pay step. If you select this field, you can select Limit to limit the pay step increment. To the right of Limit, type the two-digit maximum pay step that is allowed by the LEA. Note: When Pay Step is selected, the system verifies that the Increase Pay Step field on the Job Codes table is selected. The Increase Pay Step field must be selected for the specific job code in order for the Pay Step field to increment the pay step for those employees. |
State Step | Select to increment state step for employees, or leave blank to not increment the state step. If you select this field, you can select Limit 20 to increment everyone by one to a maximum. Leave the field blank to not set 20 as a state step maximum. |
Total Job Experience | Select to increment total job experience by one, or leave blank to not increment total job experience by one. If you select this field and leave the If Employment Date < field blank, all employees who met the original selection parameters are incremented by one. If you select this field, and the Original Emp Date or Latest Re-employ Date field on the Employee Info tab is equal to or less than the date entered in the If Employment Date < field, the employee data is updated. If the Original Emp Date or Latest Re-employ Date field on the Employee Info tab is greater than the date entered in the If Employment Date < field, the employee data is not updated. |
❏ Under Modify, select the employee data to modify:
❏ Click Execute to execute the process. A preview report is displayed. Review the report.
❏ Click Process to accept the changes and continue.
A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully.
❏ Click Cancel to return to the Mass Update page.
Reset | Click to reset all previously selected parameter options to the default. |