Payroll > Utilities > Payroll Accrual Variance Extract > Reports
These reports provide information about the accuracy of the employee accrual calculations over the course of the school year. Employees that have an amount in the variance row may have inaccurate data on the Staff Job/Pay tabs and/or in the pay history.
For each accrued job the employee has on the Job Info tab, the report displays pay history and future accrual calculations as well as the employee name, employee number, job code, accrual code, and accrual rate.
Caution: The variance calculations are based on the data as it exists in that moment of time. Care should be taken when making changes to an employee that could impact accrual calculations. For example, changing an accrual code, accrual rate, or payoff date on the employee, the accrual calendar, or the pay dates table can affect the accrual calculations and accrual variances.
Payroll Accrual Variance Report by Name
It is important to note that as with all calculations, rounding may cause some small amounts to display in the Variance section. Adjust the minimum variance amount on the report and run the report again.
If the employee only has variances for the benefit columns (accrued pay variance is zero) and the amount of the variances of the columns is no more than 5 cents greater or 5 cents less than the benefit amount, the calculated values for the future payroll amounts are adjusted, and the variance amounts are reported as zero. If the accrued pay variance is zero and a variance amount for a benefit is greater than the 5-cent tolerance, all variances are reported as calculated and will include any amounts that are equal to or less then the 5-cent tolerance. If the accrued pay variance is not zero, the 5-cent tolerance is ignored, and all variances are reported as calculated.
Note: A report entitled Error for Payroll Accrual Variance - No Future Accruals is displayed at the end of this report if an employee has a failure message and that failure applies to the pay date reported and will cause the employee to not calculate accruals for future pay dates.
Example: On the Pay Dates table the following dates are unprocessed: 04-01-2019, 05-01-2019, 06-01-2019, 07-01-2019, and 08-01-2019. On the Accrual Calendar for accrual code H, the following pay dates are found: 04-01-2019, 05-01-2019, 06-01-2019, 07-02-2019, and 08-01-2019. Note that 07-01-2019 does not exist in the Accrual Calendar for the accrual code H; therefore, any employees that have that accrual code will receive a failure message for the 07-01-2019 pay date.
❏ Under Payroll Accrual Variance Reports, the following reports are available:
Minimum Variance | For each report, type a threshold value that the report should display (e.g., If a value of zero is entered, all variances are displayed. If a value of 100.00 is entered, all variances greater than -100.00 or less than 100.00 are filtered out and not displayed on the report.). The variance is based on the employee not the account code. |
GenRpt | Select the report(s) from the list or click Select All. |
❏ Click Generate Reports. When the processing is complete, a data window for the selected report is displayed. Review the report.
Once the entries have been created for the Post to Master/Interface to Finance function, the Post to Master/Interface to Finance tab is enabled.