Personnel > Reports > Payroll Information Reports > Employee Salary Information
The report lists employee personal, salary, and emergency contact information. A parameter is available to customize the signature statement for all employees on the report.
Note: The pay step and pay schedule are not included in the report if a job's salary concept is set to midpoint.
Parameter | Parameter Description |
Sort by Alpha (A), Pay Campus (C), Primary Campus (P) | A - Sort the report alphabetically. C - Sort the report by pay campus. P - Sort the report by primary campus. This is a required field. |
Include Reports (Select From List) | Type a Y or an N to include or exclude specific reports (Emergency Contact, Job, Budget, Salary, Miscellaneous Pay, XTRA Duty, Deduction, Leave, Specialty Area, Bank) separating each of the ten reports with a comma and no space (e.g., Y,Y,N,N,N,Y,Y,N,N,N). Or, click to include reports. This is a required field. |
Include SSN on Report? (Y/N) | Y - Include the employee's social security number on the report. N - Do not include the employee's social security number on the report. This is a required field. |
Include Number of Days Employed / in Contract on Report? (Y/N) | Y - Include the employee's number of days employed (or in contract) on the report. N - Do not include the employee's number of days employed (or in contract) on the report. This is a required field. |
Print Signature Statement - New (1), Original (2), or None(3) | 1 - Print the new signature statement on the report, which is based on the Enter New Signature Statement report parameter. 2 - Print the original signature statement on the report. 3 - Do not print the signature statement on the report. This is a required field. |
Enter New Signature Statement | Type the signature statement to display on the report. This signature statement will only display when the Print Signature Statement - New (1), Original (2) or None(3) report parameter is set to 1. |
Pay Status Active (A), Inactive (I), or blank for ALL | A - Print active employees only. I - Print inactive employees only. Blank - Print both active and inactive employees. |
Pay Type 1-4, Exclude Subs (E), or blank for ALL | 1-4 - Include employees with a specific pay type (e.g., 1) on the report. E - Exclude substitute employees from the report. Blank - Include all employees on the report. |
Select Pay Campus(es), or blank for ALL | Type the three-digit campus ID number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple campus ID numbers with a comma (e.g., 001, 098). Or, click to search for pay campuses. Otherwise, leave blank to use all campus ID numbers. |
Select Primary Campus(es), or blank for ALL | Type the three-digit campus ID number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple campus ID numbers with a comma (e.g., 001, 098). Or, click to search for primary campuses. Otherwise, leave blank to use all campus ID numbers. |
Select Extract ID(s), or blank for ALL | Type the extract ID, separating multiple extract IDs with a comma (e.g., GO, BUS). Or, click to search for extract IDs. Otherwise, leave blank to use all extract IDs. |
Select Employee(s), or blank for ALL | Type the employee number separating multiple employee numbers with a comma. Or, click to search for employees. Otherwise, leave blank to use all employee numbers. |
E-mail Subject | Type the subject of the e-mail message that will be sent. |
E-mail Message | Type the e-mail message that will be sent. |
Select Frequency | Type the one-digit pay frequency. Or, click to select a pay frequency. This is a required field. |