Personnel > Self-Service > Demographic Approval by Alternate
This page displays employee EmployeePortal Self-Service requests pending approval by the logged-on alternate approver. The page allows the alternate approver to approve or disapprove and save the changes. When the alternate approver selects Approve and saves, the database is updated with the requested change.
The ED20 (Demo) and ED25 (Demo Adj) records are automatically created when any demographic information changes are approved on this tab.
Field | Description |
Approver ID | Indicates the logon user ID. The user name is displayed to the right. |
Employee Nbr | Displays the employee number. |
Employee Name | Displays the employee name. |
Under Demographic, click OPEN to switch to the Demographic Approval tab to approve or disapprove demographic data.
Under Payroll, click OPEN to switch to the Payroll Approval tab to approve, disapprove, or delete payroll data.