Fund to Grant - HRS2300

Personnel > Tables > Salaries > Fund to Grant

This tab is used to link an account/budget fund to a grant code for employee salary distribution records.

Note: Although specific grant codes no longer have to be reported to TRS, the grant code must be assigned to the fund in order to calculate the associated district-paid benefit for the TRS 3 and TRS 489 reports. The percentage used is the District Percent column from the TRS Rates table. For additional information about reporting grant contributions, go to the TRS website at and select Reporting Employers.

The tab displays all existing funds, regardless if there is a grant code, to allow adding a grant code. Funds must exist in the following tables in order to display:

Retrieve existing fund to grant data:

❏ Under Records, enter the following:

Field Description
FundClick Drop-down Arrow to select a specific fund code to be retrieved. Leave blank to retrieve all fund codes.

❏ Click Retrieve. The selected fund to grant data is displayed.

Set up fund to grant data:

TRS Grant CdType a two-character TRS grant code. Enter two blank spaces in the field to remove a grant code from a fund.

❏ Click Save. The system checks that all fund/fiscal year codes exist in the chart of accounts and the Fund table. The system removes the TRS grant code from this display if the fund does not exist in the Fund table or in the chart of accounts. A message box displays the funds with grant codes being removed.

When you add, change, or remove a grant code from a fund, the following records are updated:

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.


Click to print the salary table data. The following salary table options are displayed:

Current Tab Page - prints only the tab page currently open.
Selected Salary Tables - displays the following Current Year Salary Table Selection options:

Local Annual
Extra Duty
Fund to Grant
State Minimum

All Salary Tables - prints all the Salaries tab pages.
Select an option, and then click OK to view a copy of the report. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the tab.

Review the report.