State Minimum - HRS2300

Personnel > Tables > Salaries > State Minimum

This tab is used to calculate the monthly state minimum salary for eligible district employees. For the latest TRS State Minimum Salary requirements, visit the TRS website at, click the Reporting Entities menu, select Payroll Manual (Public Schools) and click State Minimum Salary Schedules from the Table of Contents.

Retrieve existing state minimum salary data:

❏ Under Records, enter the following:

Field Description
State StepClick Drop-down Arrow to select a state step from the drop-down list. Leave the field blank to retrieve all state minimum salary data.

❏ Click Retrieve. The state minimum data is displayed.

Note: Step codes and associated pay rates are provided by TEA. These must be manually entered when the system is being set up. The highest step for Instructor/Librarian/Counselor/Nurse is 20.

Set up state minimum data:

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

StepType the two-character code for the salary level within the indicated pay grade.
TEA BaseType the daily pay rate for this step from the TEA provided table.
A 000-187Type the daily pay rate for this step from the TEA provided table.
B 202-206Type the daily pay rate for this step from the TEA provided table.
C 207-219Type the daily pay rate for this step from the TEA provided table.
D 220-225Type the daily pay rate for this step from the TEA provided table.
E 226+Type the daily pay rate for this step from the TEA provided table.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.


Click to print the salary table data. The following salary table options are displayed:

Current Tab Page - prints only the tab page currently open.
Selected Salary Tables - displays the following Current Year Salary Table Selection options:

Local Annual
Extra Duty
Fund to Grant
State Minimum

All Salary Tables - prints all the Salaries tab pages.
Select an option, and then click OK to view a copy of the report. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the tab.

Review the report.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.