PMIS Status/Authorization Inquiry - HRS6450

Position Management > Inquiry > PMIS Status/Authorization Inquiry

This page is used to search for positions by position status and/or by either the authorization begin date or the authorization end date.

Run a position status inquiry:

Field Description
Position StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select a position status (e.g., V - Vacant, P - Proposed, A - Active, H - Position on Hold, I - Inactive).
Authorization Begin DateType the beginning date for the authorization in the MMDDYYYY format. If the Authorization Begin Date is populated, you cannot type an ending date.
End DateType the ending date for the authorization in the MMDDYYYY format. If the End Date is populated, you cannot type an authorization beginning date.

Note: If no specific data is entered in the Position Status, Authorization Begin Date, or End Date field, all records are retrieved when you click Retrieve.

❏ Click Retrieve to display the employee information. The grid displays the following information for each employee:

❏ Click Spyglass Icon to display the position record, distribution, and date information for the selected row.


  • The Ignore Pct of Day for Salary Calcs and Ignore Pct of Yr for Salary Calcs fields are only displayed under Position Record if the Display Options to Ignore Pct of Day and Pct of Year for Position Records field is selected on the District Administration > Options > PMIS District Options page.
  • If the position is supplemental, the Recalculate field is displayed under Occupant and the Percent of Year Employed field is displayed under Position.

❏ Click Print to print the status/authorization information. Review the report.