General Ledger Account Summary - REQ4100

Purchasing > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry > General Ledger Account Summary

This tab is used to perform the following single-line inquiries of account balances:

  • Review the balances on individual accounts.
  • View the balances in a summary view of the account.
  • View records by page or by printing.

Note: The general ledger inquiry is filtered according to the accounts in the user's profile unless Global Access is selected on the User Profiles > Purchasing Permissions tab in District Administration. If Global Access is selected, the user can perform inquiries on all accounts.

Perform a general ledger inquiry:

Account Code

❏ Click Retrieve to process the inquiry based on the values selected.


  • Only the account codes listed in your user profile that match the ones selected are displayed, unless Global Access is selected on the User Profiles > Purchasing Permissions tab in District Administration.
  • If the number of records being retrieved is more than 20,000 and the Display GL Inquiry Warning field is selected on the Finance > Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options tab, the following warning message is displayed: “Report will take longer to generate due to the number of rows being retrieved for the Account Code selected.”
  • Click Yes to continue processing the inquiry.
  • Click No to return to the General Ledger Inquiry tab.

Review the report.

Other functions and features:


Click to clear the account code and return to the default setting (all Xs).