Purchasing > Maintenance > Bundle Requisitions
This page allows approvers in the Purchasing approval path to bundle (i.e., group) multiple requisitions to the same vendor into a single purchase order. If you are the final approver in the approval path, you can bundle requisitions and approve the bundle. In addition, this page can be used to return or approve a single requisition.
Only users who have been granted access on the District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Purchasing Permissions tab can bundle requisitions. If the user does not have access, the Save Bundle Requisition and Approve Bundle Requisition buttons are not displayed.
Retrieve an existing record. |
Under Retrieve By:
Under Requisition Information:
❏ Select the requisitions to be included in the bundle. Or, select a single requisition to approve or return.
❏ Click Save Bundle Requisitions to bundle and save the selected requisitions. The Bundle Requisitions report is displayed. Review the report.
❏ Click Process to continue. A message is displayed with the bundle number and prompts you to print the Purchasing Requisition Report.
❏ Click Cancel to continue and return to the Bundle Requisitions page.
❏ Click Approve Bundle Requisition to approve the requisition bundle. The Bundle Requisitions report is displayed. Review the report.
❏ Click Process to continue. A message is displayed with the bundle and purchase order number and prompts you to print the Purchasing Requisition Report.
❏ Click Cancel to continue and return to the Bundle Requisitions page.
❏ Click Return Requisition to return a requisition to the originator.
❏ Click Approve Requisition to approve a requisition. The Approve Requisition page is displayed.