Reverse Purchase Order - REQ3600

Purchasing > Maintenance > Reverse Purchase Order

Only users with the permission to reverse purchase orders can access this page. The following rules apply to purchase order reversals:

  • Purchase orders created in Finance can no longer be retrieved or reversed on this page.
  • Purchase orders created in Purchasing can be reversed in Purchasing or Finance.
  • Purchase orders created in the next accounting period can only be reversed in the next accounting period.
  • Purchase orders created in the current accounting period can be reversed in either the current or next accounting period.

Note: When a purchase order is reversed, the encumbrance transaction reason column is automatically populated with REVERSAL.

Reverse a purchase order:

Retrieve an existing record.

Under Retrieval Options:

PO NbrType the purchase order number.
VendorBegin typing the vendor name or number. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a vendor.
From DateType the starting purchase order retrieval date in the MMDDYYYY format, or select a date from the calendar.
To DateType the ending purchase order retrieval date in the MMDDYYYY format, or select a date from the calendar.
Requestor NameType the requestor name for whom you want to retrieve requisitions.

❏ Click Retrieve. A list of purchase orders is displayed based on the selected criteria.

❏ Click Spyglass Icon for the requisition to be reversed. The Reverse Purchase Order window is displayed.

❏ Under Purchase Order Information, the details of the purchase order are displayed and cannot be edited.

❏ Click Reverse PO to reverse the selected purchase order. The Total Outstanding Amount (i.,e., amount yet to be liquidated) is reversed. The Status field under Purchase Order Information is updated to Voided/Reversed/Canceled, and the individual line item(s) status is updated to V - Order voided.

A message indicating that the purchase order was successfully reversed is displayed. Click OK.

❏ Click Close to close the Reverse Purchase Order window. The reversed purchase order is removed from the list of open purchase orders.

❏ Next to the applicable line item in the grid to be reversed, click Reverse.

  • The line item status is updated to V - Order Voided.
  • The total outstanding amount for the line item is deducted from the Total Outstanding Amount of the purchase order.

A message indicating that the line item was successfully reversed is displayed. Click OK.

❏ Click Close or X to close the Reverse Purchase Order window.

Note: Requisition line items cannot be reversed if the purchase order was created in Purchasing and changed in Finance. However, the entire purchase can be reversed by clicking Reverse.