Purchasing > Reports > Bid Processing Reports > Open PO Report
This report provides a list of purchase orders that include requisitions submitted through the bid process that have been placed but not liquidated when the Create Receiving Payable district option is selected. If Create Receiving Payable is not selected, all placed purchase orders with goods that have not been fully received and with requisition items that have not been disapproved or voided are listed. Information includes purchase order number, requisition number, vendor name, purchase order date, date required, original amount (by PO for original encumbrance amount), and balance.
Parameter | Description |
Sort by Purchase Order (P), Receiving Address (S), Requisition (R), Vendor (V) |
P - Sort the report by purchase order. S - Sort the report by receiving address. R - Sort the report by requisition. V - Sort the report by vendor. This is a required field. |
Select Receiving Address(es), or blank for ALL |
Type the three-digit receiving addresses (or campus ID numbers), including all leading zeros and separating multiple receiving addresses with a comma (e.g., 001, 098). Or, click to search for receiving addresses. Otherwise, leave blank to use all receiving addresses. |
Select Contract Type(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the contract types, or click to search for contract types. Otherwise, leave blank to use all contract types. |
Select Purchase Order(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the six-digit purchase order numbers, including all leading zeros and separating multiple purchase numbers with a comma (e.g., 000008, 091929). Or, click to search for purchase order numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all purchase order numbers. |
From PO Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the from purchase order date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all from dates. |
To PO Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the to purchase order date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all to dates. |
From Required Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the from required date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all from dates. |
To Required Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the to required date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all to dates. |