Purchasing > Reports > Purchasing Reports > Outstanding Requisitions Report
This report provides a list of requisitions that have become purchase orders with line items that have not yet been completely received or disapproved.
This report is first sorted by the originator and then by the selection in the sort parameter.
The requisitions are totaled by the account code and requisition number.
Parameter | Description |
Current Year (C), or Next Year (N) |
C - Include the current year requisitions. N - Include the next year requisitions. This is a required field. |
Sort by Requestor (R), Date (D), Rcv Location (L), PO# (P), Priority (T), or blank for Req# |
R - Sort the report by the requestor. D - Sort the report by the date. L - Sort the report by the receiving location. P - Sort the report by the purchase order number. T - Sort the report by the priority. Blank - Sort the report by requisition number. |
Select Requisition(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the six-digit requisition number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple requisition numbers with a comma (e.g., 000008, 091929). Or, click to search for requisition numbers. Otherwise, leave blank to use all requisition numbers. |
From Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the from date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all from dates. |
To Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALL | Type the to date in the MMDDYYYY format, or leave blank to use all to dates. |
Use Logged-on User as Originator (O), Requestor (R), Both (B) |
O - Use the logged-on user as the originator. R - Use the logged-on user as the requestor. B - Use the logged-on user as both the originator and the requestor. This is a required field. |
Select Requestor(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the requestor name, or click to search for requestors. Otherwise, leave blank to use all requestors. |