Purchasing > Reports > System User Reports > Cumulative Report by User
This report provides a cumulative listing of all current year or next year requisitions and purchase orders. They are totaled by status (approved, disapproved, not submitted, or pending approval), account, and user.
Parameter | Description |
Current Year (C), or Next Year (N) |
C - Include the current year requisitions. N - Include the next year requisitions. This is a required field. |
Sort by Requestor/Status (R), Requestor/PO Nbr (P), or Requestor/Shipping Address (S) |
R - Sort the report by requestor first, and then by status. P - Sort the report by requestor first, and then by purchase order. S - Sort the report by requestor first, and then by shipping address. This is a required field. |
Include Requisition Comments? (Y/N) |
Select Organization Code(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the three-digit organization code separating multiple organization codes with a comma (e.g., 001, 699). Or, click to search for organization codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all organization numbers. |
Select Requestor(s), or blank for ALL |
Type the requestor name, or click to search for requestors. Otherwise, leave blank to use all requestors. |
Y - Include requisition comments.
N - Exclude requisition comments.
This is a required field.