Purchasing > Utilities > Mass Delete Requisition Records > Fund/Fiscal Yr
This tab is used to mass delete requisition records based on the selected fund and fiscal year.
Note: Requisitions that are already purchase orders can only be deleted if the purchase order balance is zero (fully liquidated) and the check was printed. If requisitions that are not purchase orders are being deleted, the pending requisitions are reversed in Finance, deleted, and any existing requisitions with the following requisition status are deleted:
Requisitions to be deleted are based on the Purchasing Accounting Period field on the Finance > Tables > District Finance Options > Accounting Periods tab.
All available fund/year accounts are displayed on the left side of the page under From FundYr.
❏ Select the fund/year accounts to be mass deleted. Use the following buttons to move the selected fund/years to the right side of the page.
❏ Click Execute to execute the process. The Mass Delete Requisition Records by Fund / Year report is displayed. Review the report.