Purchasing > Utilities > Mass Purchase Order Reversal > Reverse PO by Fund
This utility is used to mass reverse purchase orders by fund in Finance or Purchasing. The following rules apply to purchase order reversals:
The export file must be run before the reversal can be performed. The export process allows you to export a copy of the current finance and requisition tables to an archive prior to performing the reversal. Users are allowed to update accounts by their user IDs.
All available fund/year accounts are displayed on the left side of the page under From FundYr. Select the fund/year accounts to be mass reversed. Use the following buttons to move the selected fund/years to the right side of the page.
❏ Click Execute to execute the process. If any errors are encountered, the Mass Purchase Order Reversal by Fund/Year Error Report is displayed. Review the report.
A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed. Click OK.