General Ledger Inquiry - BWH4000

Warehouse > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry

This page is used to perform the following tasks for accounts associated with your user profile in District Administration:

  • Review the balances on individual accounts or groups of accounts.
  • View processed transactions in the current period, the next period, or a combination of the two.
  • View a detailed listing of the account or only the balances in a summary view of the account.
  • View or print records by page.

Note: The general ledger inquiry is filtered according to the accounts in the user accounts profile.

Perform a general ledger inquiry:

The default Retrieve function only displays active account codes. Select Include Inactive Accounts to display inactive account codes in the inquiry.

Field Description
File ID

Defaults to C to represent the current file ID.


Select to include processed transactions.

Current Period

Select to include current period transactions.

Next Period

Select to include next period transactions.

Include soft encumbrances when POs exist

Selected by default to include requisition general ledger transactions when purchase orders exist. If not selected, the soft encumbrances (where the associated purchase order has been created) is not displayed.

Exclude Objects 61XX

Select to exclude all objects that begin with 61.

Include Inactive AccountsSelect to include inactive account codes in the inquiry.
Show Details

Select to include a detailed list of all transactions. If not selected, a summary for all accounts is displayed. Summary report options are:

Totals - Displays the totals of all accounts with the selected account code component.

Balance Accts Only - Displays the totals for only the accounts that are selected in the account code mask.

Under Description:

ReasonSelect to display the reason.
Vendor NameSelect to display the vendor name.

Note: Descriptions are only displayed for line items that are checks (CK) or purchase orders (EN). The Description option only works if Show Details is selected.

Account Code

❏ Click Retrieve to process the inquiry based on the selected values. Only the account codes listed in your user profile that match the selected accounts are displayed. Review the report.

❏ Click Reset to clear the account code and return to the default setting (all Xs).