Warehouse > Maintenance > Fill Back Orders
This page is used to record the shipment from the warehouse to a campus location of items on back order. Once the items are available in the warehouse and are listed within the system in sufficient quantities, a back order can be filled.
The following calculation is used to calculate the total cost of an item being restocked when filling back orders: unit price x total number of items shipped = total cost.
❏ Click Retrieve to retrieve a list of back orders that need to be filled.
The following purchase order fields are displayed:
Note: When more than one campus has the same inventory item on back order, *** is displayed in the following fields:
❏ Click one of the following buttons to fill back orders:
Date |
Equal |
Percent |
Fill |
❏ The Fill Back Order Preview report is displayed. Review the report.
❏ Click Cancel to return to the Fill Back Orders page without filling the orders.
The Back Orders window is displayed. A row for each campus is displayed.
The following fields are display only:
Units to Ship | Type the number of items to ship to a particular campus. If you type a number in this field, the Date, Equal, and Percent buttons are disabled. |