Fund/Fiscal Year - BWH6400

Warehouse > Utilities > Mass Delete Requisition Records > Fund/Fiscal Year

This tab is used to mass delete warehouse and restock requisition records based on the fund and fiscal year selected. Old requisition records are periodically deleted.

  • This process only deletes requisitions if the following conditions apply:
    • The requisition has become a purchase order.
    • The purchase order balance equals zero.
    • All check transactions have been printed.
    • The purchase order is fully liquidated.
  • A requisition that has not become a purchase order is reversed and deleted. A report is displayed for a requisition that has multiple account codes with different funds/years and the following conditions apply:
    • Multiple funds/years are selected.
    • Not all the funds/years exist for the requisition.
    • The requisition has not become a purchase order (or if the requisition has become a purchase order, the purchase order balance is zero, the check transactions have been printed, and the purchase order has been fully liquidated).

Additional notes:

Mass delete requisition records by fund/fiscal year:

All available fund/year accounts are displayed on the left side of the page.

❏ Select the fund/year accounts to delete. Use the following buttons to move the selected fund/years to the right side of the page.

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

❏ Click Execute to delete the selected funds. The Mass Delete Requisition Records by Fund/Year report is displayed. Review the report.

❏ Click Process to mass delete the selected requisitions. A message is displayed prompting you to create an export.

  • Click Yes to create an export. A message is displayed prompting you to enter a password to be used for the Archive. Type the password and click Continue. Otherwise, click Cancel.
  • Click No to continue the process without creating an export.

A message is displayed indicating that the process was successful. Click OK.

❏ Click Cancel to return to the Mass Delete Requisition Records by Fund/Year tab without deleting the selected funds.