Add events to the calendar:

IMPORTANT: Once Adjust Minutes and Waiver Minutes are entered, you are no longer able to adjust Daily Minutes on the Next Year Campus Options page.

❏ Click a date on the calendar to select it.

The day is outlined in red. You can select multiple dates.

(To unselect a date on the calendar, click the date again.)


Use the legend to apply a Day Type to the selected date.

The legend has two sections:

The upper section is for designating Day Types, such as first and last day of school, holidays, cycle begin dates, etc.

The lower section is for adjusting school day minutes and waivers. The lower section is only enabled for saved calendars.

Day Type SelectionClick a Day Type for the selected date(s). Click the description of the day, not the colored square.

For example, if the selected date is the first day of a cycle, click Begin Cycle in the legend. The date changes to the color that corresponds to that Day Type.

If you clicked an incorrect type of day, click the date on the calendar again, and then click the correct Day Type.

To change a date back to a regular membership day, click the date on the calendar again, and then click the Membership Day Type.

If you change the date for the end of semester 1, the corresponding grade reporting cycle end date is changed to match the new calendar date.

If you change the last day of school, the corresponding grade reporting cycle end date is changed to match the new calendar date. A message is displayed when you save.

If any of the previously set cycle end dates are no longer valid membership days, the cycle end date is changed to the last membership day before the original cycle end date. A message is displayed when you save.

Membership Days

In the grid below the legend, data is calculated when the calendar data is saved:

Membership Days

Rptng PeriodReporting periods for the campus are listed.
Mem DaysThe number of membership days for each cycle is calculated and displayed.

Shrtnd Mem Waiver DaysThe number of shortened membership waiver days for each cycle is calculated and displayed.
Non Mem Waiver DaysThe number of non-membership waiver days for each cycle is calculated and displayed.
Daily Mins (DM)The total number of instructional minutes for the cycle is calculated and displayed.
Waiver Mins (WM)The total number of waiver minutes for the cycle is calculated and displayed.
Yearly Total Mins (DM+WM):The total is calculated by adding the total number of daily minutes plus the total number of waiver minutes for the year.

NOTE: This value cannot be less than the state-mandated requirement of 75,600, except in rare circumstances. Under no circumstances can the total minutes be less than 71,400.

As you adjust membership minutes, the Daily Mins (DM), Waiver Mins (WM), and Yearly Total Mins (DM+WM) fields (below the legend) change accordingly.

When you apply a Day Type requiring minute adjustments to a valid membership date, a pop-up window provides options for adjusting minutes. The pop-up windows vary according to the adjustment you clicked:

Adjust Minutes

The Adjust Minutes type can be used when the daily minutes need to be extended or shortened.

An Adjusted Minutes day is a membership day.

NOTE: For the 2020-2021 school year, use Adjust Minutes for early release because shortened waiver days are no longer applicable as waiver days.

❏ Select one or more dates on the calendar, and click Adjust Minutes.

Type of MinThe field is set to Daily Minutes and cannot be modified.
MinThe Daily Minutes value is displayed by default. Type over existing data with the adjusted number of minutes of instruction on that date.
EventThe field is set to 01:Instructional Day and cannot be modified.

❏ Click OK.

❏ Click Save.

The Daily Mins (DM) (cycle total) and Yearly Total Mins are automatically adjusted according to the difference between the Daily Minutes and the Min value entered. Following the previous example, both totals are reduced by 30 minutes (450- 420=30) for each adjusted date.

Note that the dates on the calendar are now shaded pink because they are adjusted minutes days. The numbers are black because they are membership days.

Make-up and Weather Day are disabled in the next year calendar.

Waiver Days

Waivers are used to get credit for minutes lost to legitimate school closures, including Staff Development Days. The Daily Mins (DM) for the cycle are decreased by the number of lost minutes, but the Waiver Mins (WM) for the cycle are increased for that number of minutes; therefore the Yearly Total Mins remains unchanged because it is a zero sum.

Review the TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH), Section 3.8 for rules and guidance.

NOTE: For the 2018-2019 school year, use adjust minutes for early release because shortened waiver days are no longer applicable as waiver days.

Staff Development Waiver Day

The Staff Development Waivers are used when staff has training. This could include days when students are in attendance.

NOTE: Effective as of the 2018-2019 school year:

Staff Development Waiver Days are not allowed before the first day of school or after the last day of school (Rules 10200-0037 and 10200-0038).

Staff Development Waiver Days are allowed on the first or last day of school, as long as there are some instructional minutes on that date.

For the 2018-2019 school year and beyond, a staff development waiver day may be a membership day if there are instructional minutes.

❏ Select one or more dates on the calendar, and click Waiver.

EventSelect 01: Staff Development Waiver Day. For the next year calendar, this is the only option available.
Type of Min
Waiver MinutesType the number of waiver minutes needed.
Daily Minutes

Type the number of minutes of instruction that will occur on this date.

Attendance was takenIndicate whether the day is operational/instructional or not:

❏ Click OK.

❏ Click Save.

  • The Daily Mins (DM) (cycle total) is decreased by the number of waiver minutes (i.e., Minimum Daily Minutes).
  • The Waiver Mins (WM) (cycle total) is increased by the number of waiver minutes.
  • The Yearly Total Mins remains the same.

Note that the date on the calendar is now shaded yellow because it is a waiver day. The number is green because it is now an in-service date.

Also, a membership day is removed from the count in the Mem Days column for the cycle in which the selected date occurs (if applicable).

❏ Click Save.

❏ Be sure to enter the cycle end dates for the track on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Parameters NYR.

Other functions and features:

Print Print the calendar.