ASCENDER EmployeePortal > Leave Balances

This page is used to view leave information as it currently exists in your record for the selected frequency.

If this page is not enabled, check with your EmployeePortal administrator as the LEA may have opted to not allow access.

If a message is available from your LEA, it is displayed in red at the top of the page.

View leave balance data:

Leave Balances Page

Please select a frequency typeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the payroll frequency for which you want to view leave balances.
Leave TypeThe specific leave code(s) for which you have leave data is displayed. The leave types are first displayed in the order that is set for your check (called stub position), and then leave type code (01-99) order.
Beginning BalanceThe leave balance as of the beginning of this year for each leave type is displayed.
Advanced/EarnedThe number of units of leave advanced or earned as of the last pay period is displayed.
Pending EarnedThe total leave earned but not yet processed through payroll is displayed.
UsedThe number of units of leave used as of the last pay period is displayed.
Pending UsedThe total leave pending and approved but not yet processed through payroll is displayed. This amount is subtracted from the Available Balance field.
AvailableThe total number of leave units still available for use is displayed. The Available balance is determined by the following calculation: (prior year balance + advanced earned + pending earned) - used - pending used
UnitsIndicates the type of units (hours or days) that is used when calculating leave requests.

View a specific range of leave data:

Leave Balances Range

❏ Use the following fields to filter the information by date range and/or leave type.

Leave TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the type of leave for which you want to view leave data. The leave type description is displayed.
From and To Date of Leave

Type the range of dates for which you want to view processed and unprocessed leave data or click Calendar Icon to select the dates.

Note: An LEA setting determines whether or not to show processed and unprocessed leave transactions.

The from date may not exceed 18 months from the current date.

You can leave the date fields blank to retrieve dates 18 months from the current date.

Note: The from and to date selections select leave dates rather than pay dates. Additionally, if the from and to dates are left blank, all future leave and all prior leave up to 18 months is retrieved. If a from date is entered and no to date is entered, all leave starting with the from date and all future leave is retrieved.

❏ Click Retrieve. A list of leave requests for the specified date range is displayed with the following data:

Leave TypeThe leave type description for the leave request is displayed.
Date of PayThe pay date for which leave was charged is displayed.
Date of LeaveThe date for which the leave was taken is displayed in the mm dd yyyy format.
Leave UsedThe number of units of leave taken is displayed.
Leave EarnedThe number of units of leave earned is displayed.

Indicates the status of the leave (processed, not processed, or not posted to payroll). The data displayed here depends on certain LEA option settings. For example, if you know you have leave that has not gone through payroll processing, then the feature to display unprocessed leave was disabled by the LEA.

Processed - The leave has been processed through payroll and posted to your leave master record.

Not processed - The leave has not been processed through payroll and is not yet a part of your leave master record.

Processed and not processed leave units have already been added to/subtracted (as appropriate) from your master leave record and are reflected in the leave grid.

The Available field is reflective of what is available should all unprocessed leave be posted.