You have two options to create a travel request.

Option 1: Click Add in the upper-right corner of the Travel Requests page.

Travel Add Button

The Add Travel Request pop-up window opens allowing you to begin entering the details of your travel request.

Add Travel Request Popup

Option 2: From the EmployeePortal homepage calendar, you will notice that the current day is highlighted in yellow. Click the day for which you want to enter a travel request. The Add Request Type pop-up window opens allowing you select the type of request you want to enter.

TIP: If you have any existing approved, pending, or saved travel requests, the entry is displayed for that day on the calendar. You can click the entry to open the details of the request.

Add Request Type Popup

❏ Click Travel. The Add Travel Request pop-up window opens. The From Date and To Date fields are automatically populated with the date you selected from the calendar. For extended travel requests, select the applicable To Date.

Add Travel Popup Prepopulated Dates