Under Leave Requests Pending Action, a list of leave requests pending action is displayed with the following details:

EmployeeThe employee number and name are displayed.
Start and End DateThe start and end date range for the leave request is displayed in the MMDDYYYY format.
Start and End TimeThe start and end time range for the leave request is displayed in the HH MM format.
Leave TypeThe leave type requested is displayed.
Absence ReasonThe absence reason for the leave request is displayed.
Leave RequestedThe total amount of requested leave and unit type (i.e., hours or days) is displayed.
Comment LogAny employee comments that were added to the leave request are displayed.

❏ Under Supervisor Action, select the appropriate action (Approve, Disapprove, or No Action).

EmployeePortal Supervisor Action

❏ The Comment Log text box is enabled if Approve or Disapprove is selected. Type any comments related to the leave request.

❏ Click Save. If you are the final approver, an email message is sent to the employee notifying them of the action (approved/disapproved) taken on the request.

Admin Note: The payroll department will use the Utilities > Import Online Leave Requests page in the ASCENDER Payroll application to import the leave request(s) from EmployeePortal and create a leave transmittal to be processed by payroll. After a leave transmittal has been created in Payroll, the employee can no longer edit or delete the leave request.