Supervisor Hierarchy

Your employee number and name are displayed.

Direct Report Employees

Click Drop-down Arrow to view a list of your direct report employees. Select an employee to view his leave data. A list of processed and unprocessed leave requests is displayed.

If you select an employee who is also a supervisor, the Next Level button is enabled.

Click Next Level. The supervisor's name moves to the Supervisor Hierarchy level and the drop down is populated with a list of his direct report employees.

Click Previous Level to return to the previous level of the supervisor hierarchy.

❏ Use the following fields to narrow the leave data displayed on the page:

Payroll FrequencyClick Drop-down Arrow to select the pay frequency for which you want to create a leave request. If you have leave in multiple frequencies such as biweekly, semimonthly, and monthly, those options are displayed and can be selected.
From and To

Type the range of dates for which you want to view processed and unprocessed leave data or click Calendar Icon to select the dates.

Note: An LEA setting determines whether or not to show processed and unprocessed leave transactions.

The from date may not exceed 18 months from the current date.

You can leave the date fields blank to retrieve dates 18 months from the current date.

Note: The from and to date selections select leave dates rather than pay dates. Additionally, if the from and to dates are left blank, all future leave and all prior leave up to 18 months is retrieved. If a from date is entered and no to date is entered, all leave starting with the from date and all future leave is retrieved.

The following details are displayed for each leave request:

Start and End DateThe start and end date range for the leave request is displayed in the MMDDYYYY format.
Start and End TimeThe start and end time range for the leave request is displayed in the HH MM format.
Leave TypeThe leave type requested is displayed.
Absence ReasonThe absence reason for the leave request is displayed.
Leave RequestedThe total amount of requested leave and unit type (i.e., hours or days) is displayed.
Comment LogAny employee (requestor) comments that were added to the leave request are displayed.
StatusThe current status of the leave request is displayed.