You have two options to create a WorkJournal entry.

Option 1: After you have selected your Work Week Start Date, Pay Frequency, and clicked Retrieve:

Option 2: From the EmployeePortal homepage calendar, you will notice that the current day is highlighted in yellow.

TIP: If you have any existing approved, pending, or saved requests, the entry is displayed for that day on the calendar. You can click the entry to open the details of the request.

❏ Complete the following information for the entry:

At any point, you can click Time Conversion Table to view the clock conversion table up to minutes and percent of hour data as set up in ASCENDER Personnel.

From DateThis field is automatically populated with the date you selected from the calendar. You can type a different date for which you want to create an entry in the MM/DD/YYYY format. Or, click Calendar Icon to select a date from the calendar.
Job CodeClick Drop down Arrow to select the job code/frequency for the entry. If you only have one job code, it is automatically populated.

If you are not assigned to a job code for the date that you are creating an entry, a message is displayed indicating so and you are unable to create the entry for the selected date.

Time InType your start time for the entry in the HH MM format and click Drop down Arrow to select AM or PM.
Time OutType your end time for the entry in the HH MM format and click Drop down Arrow to select AM or PM.
CommentType any comments related to your entry.

❏ Click Save and Add New to save the entry and remain on the Add/Edit Clock time pop-up window to continue adding additional entries.

❏ Click Save and Close to save the entry and close the Add/Edit Clock time pop-up window. Otherwise, click X or Cancel to close the pop-up window without saving your changes.

After saving an entry, the entry is added to the calendar and can be viewed on the WorkJournal page. If an entry is more than five hours for a job code that has an automatic lunch set up in Personnel, the amount of time (in minutes) for lunch is automatically deducted from the total time worked for that job code on that work day.

❏ Click Submit to submit your WorkJournal request. A pop-up window opens with the Time, Leave, and Total Hours for the work week that you are submitting. Click Accept to submit the request. Otherwise, click Cancel to close the pop-up window.