DocIf documents exist for the transaction, Paper Icon is displayed. Click Paper Icon to open the Document Attachments pop-up and view the existing uploaded documents. The Document Attachments feature in this view is read-only.
DateThe transaction date is displayed.

Displays the transaction type.

Budget Adjustment - Budget Adjustment Request
Budget Revision - Budget Revision Request
Original - Original Budget
Periodic - Reimbursement Request
Final - Final Request


Displays the transaction status.

Canceled - The transaction was canceled (reversed or voided).
Paid - The reimbursement transaction completed the approval process and is approved and paid.
Pending - The reimbursement transaction completed the approval process and is approved but pending payment.
Posted - The budget amendment transaction completed the approval process and is approved.
Returned - The transaction was returned back to the originator for review during the approval process.
Saved - The transaction was saved but not submitted for approval.
Submitted - The transaction was submitted for approval.

Budget AmountThe transaction budget amount is displayed. If the transaction type is periodic, the budget amount is 0.00.
Reimbursement AmountThe transaction reimbursement amount is displayed. If the transaction type is original or amended, the reimbursement amount is 0.00.
Payment DateThe transaction payment date is displayed. If the transaction type is original or amended, the payment date will be blank.