MemberPortal > Grant List
This page is used to view the details related to your assigned member grants. You can view a list of existing budget adjustment requests, budget revision requests, and reimbursement requests.
Additionally, depending on your access, you can create new budget revision and reimbursement requests. If you only have access to enter and save requests, you can only update requests that you created.
Your fiscal agent is responsible for assigning your member information, grant type(s), and level of accessibility.
❏ Use the following fields to filter the grant list by status and/or year.
Field | Description |
Grant Status | Click ![]() |
Year | Type a four-digit grant year. |
❏ Click Retrieve. A list of grants for the specified status and/or year is displayed under Grant Status. Otherwise, a list of grants for all statuses to which you have access is displayed with the following details:
Detail | Click ![]() Within the details pop-up window, click ![]() Click Cancel or X to close the pop-up window. |
Year | Displays the four-digit grant year. |
Grant Type/ID | Displays the grant type, description, and ID. |
Total Award | Displays the original amount of the award plus or minus any amendments for each object class that have been approved (posted). |
![]() | Click to open the Budget Revision Request page for the selected grant. This icon only displays if you have access to enter, save, and submit budget revision requests. |
Eligible Remaining | The eligible remaining amount of the award (Total Award - Reimbursements and Pending Reimbursements = Eligible Remaining) is displayed. |
![]() | Click to open the Reimbursement Request page for the selected grant. This icon only displays if you have access to enter, save, and submit reimbursement requests. |
Pending Approval | The total amount pending approval (Reimbursement Requests with a submitted status) is displayed. |
Begin Date End Date | The grant begin and end date is displayed in the MM-DD-YYYY format. |
Approval Cutoff Next Pay Date | The grant approval cutoff date and next payment date is displayed in the MM-DD-YYYY format. |
❏ Under Available to Submit, a list of requests available for submission is displayed. If you have access to submit a request, you can click to view, edit and submit the request.
Detail | Click ![]() |
Doc | If documents exist for the transaction, a paperclip icon is displayed. Click the paperclip icon to open the Document Attachments pop-up and view the existing uploaded documents. The Document Attachments feature in this view is read-only. |
Date | Displays the request date. |
Year | Displays the four-digit grant year. |
Grant Type/ID | Displays the grant type, description, and ID. |
Request Type | Displays the request type. |
Status | Displays the request status. Requests will either be in a Returned or Saved status. |
Budget Amount | Displays the total amount of all object class budget amounts for the request. |
Reimbursement Amount | Displays the total amount of all object class reimbursement amounts for the request. |
Retrieve |
The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost. |
Documents | View or attach supporting documentation. |