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academy:admin_forms_create_dyn [2019/07/10 15:24] jstanfordacademy:admin_forms_create_dyn [2023/05/12 19:35] (current) apape
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 {{:images:screenshots:admin-forms-creator-add.png|Add New Form pop-up window}}</div> {{:images:screenshots:admin-forms-creator-add.png|Add New Form pop-up window}}</div>
 \\   \\  
-^Form Name|Type a name for the form. For a Spanish form, provide the name in Spanish.|+^Form Name|Type a name for the form. For a Spanish form, provide the name in Spanish.\\ \\ At this time, user's may alter an existing Dynamic Form's **Form Name** field by following these steps: Select the Dynamic Form to modify. Click **Copy Form**. Then modify the **Form Name** field of the copied Dynamic Form.\\ \\ **This will be corrected with future programming.**|
 ^Form Instructions|Type any specific district-level instructions for the form. For a Spanish form, provide the instructions in Spanish.| ^Form Instructions|Type any specific district-level instructions for the form. For a Spanish form, provide the instructions in Spanish.|
 ^Campus|Select a campus in order to assign the form to a specific campus. Or, select //All Campus// if the form is used for all campuses in the district.\\  \\  If you select //All Campus//, each campus is listed, and you can remove individual campuses if needed.\\  \\  {{:images:screenshots:admin-forms-campus.png|Campus selection field}}\\  <WRAP box>**NOTE:** If you select //All Campus// by mistake, click //Cancel all// to clear all campuses at once.</WRAP>| ^Campus|Select a campus in order to assign the form to a specific campus. Or, select //All Campus// if the form is used for all campuses in the district.\\  \\  If you select //All Campus//, each campus is listed, and you can remove individual campuses if needed.\\  \\  {{:images:screenshots:admin-forms-campus.png|Campus selection field}}\\  <WRAP box>**NOTE:** If you select //All Campus// by mistake, click //Cancel all// to clear all campuses at once.</WRAP>|
 ^Visible|Select **Yes** if you want the form to visible to parents in ParentPortal.| ^Visible|Select **Yes** if you want the form to visible to parents in ParentPortal.|
-^Language:|Select the language of the form.|+^Language|Select the language of the form.|
 \\   \\  
 <WRAP box>**IMPORTANT:** For a dynamic form, leave the drop-down field set to //No Document//.</WRAP> <WRAP box>**IMPORTANT:** For a dynamic form, leave the drop-down field set to //No Document//.</WRAP>
Line 38: Line 38:
 ^Friendly Name|The English default friendly name is displayed. Modify the name as needed.| ^Friendly Name|The English default friendly name is displayed. Modify the name as needed.|
 ^Order|A default order number is assigned. (Optional) Indicate the order in which you want the fields to be displayed on the form. For example, type 1 if you want to field to be displayed at the top of the form.| ^Order|A default order number is assigned. (Optional) Indicate the order in which you want the fields to be displayed on the form. For example, type 1 if you want to field to be displayed at the top of the form.|
-^Field Set|Use this column to group related fields together in the form. For example, you could type 'Mailing Address' for all fields that are related to the student's mailing address.\\  \\  The fields that you want to physically group together should also be together as indicated by the **Order** field. The fields with the same **Field Set** are grouped together in a box, but only if they are adjacent in the order. The box is drawn around one or more sequential fields that have a //Field Set// specified.|+^Field Set|Use this column to group related fields together in the form. For example, you could type 'Mailing Address' for all fields that are related to the student's mailing address.\\  \\  The fields that you want to physically group together should also be together as indicated by the **Order** field. The fields with the same **Field Set** are grouped together in a box, but only if they are adjacent in the order. The box is drawn around one or more sequential fields that have a //Field Set// specified.\\ \\ Field Set does not apply to //New Student Enrollment// Forms.|
 \\   \\  
 {{:images:expand.png|Expand icon}} - Click to view additional fields.\\  \\   {{:images:expand.png|Expand icon}} - Click to view additional fields.\\  \\  
academy/admin_forms_create_dyn.1562772278.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/10 10:24 (external edit)