Instructions are displayed in the top-right corner. Click Collapse Section icon to hide the instructions. Click Expand Section icon to re-display the instructions.

Initially no forms are listed on the right side of the page.

Available Forms (left)

The list includes all existing district-level forms (created on the Form Management page), organized by form type, and excluding campus-level forms and forms that are specifically for Student Enrollment.

To add a form to the Online Registration template, hover over the form name and click the arrow button.

The form moves to the right.

Selected Forms (right)

The selected forms are listed on the right in the order in which they were added.

Instructions for each form are displayed as entered on the Form Editor page and cannot be updated here.

hand icon - Use the hand icon to drag and drop forms into the order in which you want them displayed to parents.

Delete icon - Click to remove the form from the list. The form moves back to the Available Forms list (left).

By default, the Registration and Contact forms are included, which contain all possible fields a parent may need to review annually.

TIP: It is recommended that districts create a customized registration form (using the Form Management page) for Online Registration that include only the fields that districts want parents to review annually.

Also, the Home Language Survey standard form, which is required for new student enrollment, is only required once when the student enrolls in the district. This form is not listed for Online Registration.

Changes to the template are saved automatically; there is no Save button.