Follow these steps to compute grades and assign credit at the end of the semester and school year. This should be done by campuses that award credit, including middle schools offering courses with credits that apply toward graduation.
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Computation
Verify that Grading Concept is set correctly:
Grading Concept |
Indicate how students are awarded credit for a course-section. The selection should be based on your district grading policy. Final - Award credits based on the final grade. Sem/Final - Award credits based on a combination of semester and final grades. If used, the Credit Seq field on Maintenance > District Schedule is also considered when you run the Grade Computation and Credit Assignment utility and the Assign Pass Fail Indicators utility. Semester - Award credits based on the semester grade. The field is also used by the Assign Pass Fail Indicators utility. |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule
Verify that the following fields are set correctly:
Service ID |
(Required) Click The service ID description is displayed next to the field. |
Tot Credits |
Type the number of academic credits awarded to students who pass the course, up to two digits. The decimal is inserted automatically. For example, if you type 10, the field displays 1.0.
IMPORTANT: If you change this field for a prior year, you must run the Historical Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility, as this will affect student averages in prior years.
Part Credit |
Select if partial credit is awarded to students who fail one or more semesters or are only enrolled in part of the course. The field is used by the Assign Pass Fail Indicators utility. NOTE: If a two-semester course has a Credits setting of .5 credits, Award Partial Credit must be selected for the Grade Compuation and Credit Assignment utility to award the credit. |
Credit Seq |
Select the code indicating the conditions under which credits are awarded. This field is only considered in the Grade Computation and Credit Assignment utility and the Assign Pass Fail Indicators utility if Grading Concept is set to Sem/Final on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Computation. |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grd/Crs Maint
If the student is receiving no credit, type NC for Credit. This only applies if the student passed the course but is not receiving credit due to excessive absences. The decimal is inserted automatically.
Grade Reporting > Utilities > Grade Computation and Credit Assignment
These Options apply only to courses that were not taken for all semesters of the course:
Compute Semester Average |
Select if you are not using TeacherPortal, or if you are calculating blank semester grades when Allow Recomputation is not selected on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Computation. |
Compute Final Grades | Select to calculate final grades. If selected, the fields under Exclude Final Grade Computations are enabled. |