SAT0950 - District Attendance and Contact Hours

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Membership > SAT0950 - District Attendance and Contact Hours

This report lists current year cumulative ADA and FTE numbers for the district for each cycle. The report provides the same information as PRF7D001 - PEIMS Edit+ Report in PEIMS. The report varies from PEIMS by one-tenth in Refined ADA and FTE due to rounding. The report can also be verified against SAT0600 - Student Detail Report or SAT0900 - Campus/District Summary Report. Be sure to add results from the reports for all campuses and tracks when comparing them to the SAT0950 report.

This report is for the current year only.

  • The SAT0950 cycle pages should provide the same numbers as the cycle summaries of SAT0600, SAT0900, SAT2100, and SAT2300.
  • The SAT0950 summary page should provide the same results as SAT0600, SAT0900, SAT2100, and SAT2300 for rows B through I.
  • The final summary report can be compared against other reports for rows B through I. The ADA and FTE rows J through P are averages of the previous six cycles, and should not be compared against totals from other reports.

An error list is created if errors are found.

Campuses that are excluded from district reporting are not included.

NOTE: Students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE EE can be reported with days in Bilingual/ESL if they are eligible for ADA and meet all other Bilingual Education Allotment eligibility requirements.

Users must run the Set Student CTE Indicators utility before generating the following reports, extracts or logic that rely on this utility to produce correct CTE Counts:

  • SAT0900
  • SAT0600
  • SAT0900C
  • SAT920
  • SAT950
  • SAT2100
  • SGR2500
  • PEIMS Attendance Extract

Report field descriptions

Run the report:

Ending School Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2023-2024 school year, type 2024.

Preview ErrorsIf errors are encountered, click to view and print the error list.
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