SDS0500 - Discipline Action Listing

Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS0500 - Discipline Action Listing

This report lists the disciplinary actions taken against students who committed offenses, including instructor and offense information. The report can also be used as the In-School Suspension (ISS) Notification report using the filter function and action code 06 or B1.

If a court-ordered restriction exists, all incident data for the student is restricted.

Run the report:

Ending School Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2023-2024 school year, type 2024.

Campus ID (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click to select the campus. Leave blank to select all campuses in the district.

NOTE: If you select to create the report for all campuses, any campuses excluded from district reporting (i.e., campuses that have the Exclude from District Reporting field selected on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info) are not included in the report. However, you can generate the report for an individual excluded campus by entering the campus ID.

Include Withdrawn Students (Y, N)

Y - Include withdrawn students.

N - Do not include withdrawn students.

Student IDs (Blank for All)

Type the six-digit student ID number, including all leading zeros. Separate multiple IDs with a comma (e.g., 098321,096476). Or, click ellipsis button to select the students. Leave blank to select all students.

You can type or select up to 300 student IDs.

FilterFilter report data.
ResetReset report data.