This section is used if the campus has more than one period that is used for ADA period, such as for A-Day/B-Day schedules.

For example, the A-Day schedule may take ADA attendance during period 02, and the B-Day schedule may take ADA attendance during period 05.

For both days, an additional period must be created that is the same for both A-Day and B-Day. This must be a period when no students are scheduled. For example, if the campus has classes during periods 01-08, then period 09 could be used as the extra ADA period. This “extra” period must be the same for both A-Day and B-Day. Be sure this extra period is included in the 1st Period Nbr and Last Period Nbr fields.

When attendance is posted to either ADA posting period (e.g., 02 or 05), it is also posted to the extra period (e.g., 09).

NOTE: All tracks at the same campus must have the same “extra” ADA posting period. For example, if the campus creates period 09 as the extra period, then period 09 must be used for all tracks.


Click +Add or press ALT+1 to add a code. A blank row is added to the Code grid.


Type the one-character code to use for the pattern. For example, type A or B if you use A-Day and B-Day schedules.

You must create a code for each pattern. For example, create code A and code B.

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Click to select a code for which to add a pattern. A row is added to the Pattern grid allowing you to add a pattern for that code.


Delete the code if needed.


Click +Add or press ALT+1 to indicate the ADA period for the selected code. A blank row is added to the Pattern grid.

You must enter two pattern rows for each Code:
• Add a row with the ADA period when attendance is taken (e.g., 02 or 05).
• Add a row with the “extra” ADA posting period (e.g., 09).

IMPORTANT: The “extra” ADA posting period must be the same for all codes, and it must be the same for all tracks at the campus. This period must also be entered in the ADA Posting Period field.


Type the two-digit ADA period.


Delete the pattern for that code if needed.

NOTE: When using ALT+1 to add a row, you must press the 1 key on the keyboard, not the 1 key on the numeric keypad.

IMPORTANT! Be sure all tracks have the same ADA posting period for TeacherPortal:

On Attendance > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > Campus Options, set the A/B Day: Period ADA Attendance Taken fields to the periods when attendance is posted (e.g., 02 and 05).