Trashcan Icon Delete an offense or action.
Documents View or attach supporting documentation.
Save and AddClick to save the changes, and clear the page to add a new incident for the same student.
Delete Incident

Click to delete the incident record.


Click to go to the Victim Information tab where you can add, change, or delete victim information.

The button is not enabled until the incident is saved with a Bully Reason selected.

If victim information exists for the incident, the button is outlined in red.


Click to go to the Restraint Information tab where you can add, change, or delete restraint information.

The button is not enabled until the incident is saved.

If restraint information exists for the incident, the button is outlined in red.

Print Profile

Click to print the student's Discipline Profile Report.

Review, save, and/or print the report.


Click to add a photo related to the incident. The button is not enabled until the incident record is saved.

The Incident Picture pop-up window opens allowing you to upload or delete the photo.

1. Click Browse. Locate and select the photo.

2. Click Save. The picture is saved to the database and is displayed in the photo window.

DeleteClick to delete the photo.
CancelClick to close the window without making any changes.

If a picture has been uploaded for the incident, a camera icon is displayed on the button.


Click to add comments related to the incident. The comments pop-up window opens:

• Type comments related to the incident, and then click OK.

• Click Cancel to close the window without updating the comments.

Click Save. Or, click Save and Add to save the changes and clear the page to add a new incident for the same student.

If comments already exist for the incident, a paperclip icon is displayed on the button.


Click to return to the Inquiry page.

Return to Referrals

If you arrived at this page from Maintenance > Referrals, click the button to return to the Referrals page. The button is displayed even if you are not a discipline approver, but you must have security rights to use the Referrals page.