Graduation Plans

Select a graduation plan. The list is established on Maintenance > District > Tables > Graduation Plans.

❏ Click Retrieve.


The PEIMS graduation type code and description associated with the selected plan is displayed.

Total Plan Credits

The number of credits required for the selected plan is displayed, which is the sum of the Total Subject Credits Required field for all subjects. The number will change as data in the Total Subject Credits Required field changes, but you cannot manually change the number.

A tab is displayed for each subject.

❏ Click the tab for the subject you want to update.

Total Subject Credits Required

The total number of credits required for each subject for the specified plan is displayed. Update as needed.

Scheduling District Courses (left grid)

The search retrieves only graded high-school-level courses from the Scheduling master schedule (i.e., courses for which Credit Level is H on Scheduling > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District > Courses, and Graded Crs is selected on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule).

The local course number, course title, service ID, and credits are displayed for each course.

Select the course(s) you want to add as course requirements for the selected graduation plan:

Double-click a course in the left grid.
Or, drag the course from the left grid to the right grid.

The selected courses are displayed in the Grad Plan Courses (right) grid and appear dimmed in the left grid.

A course can be added in multiple subjects, but you cannot add the same course for multiple grade levels in the same subject.

A course can be used in more than one subject, but it can only be marked as a default course in one of the subjects. For example, CTE Floral Design can be a graduation plan course in CareerTech and in Fine Arts, but it can only be the default in one of the subjects.

A course cannot be designated as a default course in multiple subjects. However, a student can always elect to take a course designated for one grade level as part of a different grade level, as long as the student has not already earned credit for the course, or is not currently taking or scheduled to take the course.

Grad Plan Courses (right grid)

Any existing course requirements for the selected graduation plan are displayed.

The local course number, course title, and service ID are displayed for each course.

The list can be re-sorted.


The number of credits that will be awarded to the student who successfully completes the course is displayed.

Meets State Req

Select if the course meets the state requirements for the subject for the plan. A course may meet the requirements even if it is not a default course. For example, English I may be the default course for 9th grade; however, English I - Pre-AP also meets the requirements for the plan.


Select if the course is a default course for the grade level (e.g., English I for 9th grade). The default course will automatically be assigned to the student when the graduation plan is initially assigned, but it can be adjusted as needed.

NOTE: You cannot have more total Default courses than the Total Subject Credit Required field indicates.

Grade Level

Select the high-school grade level for which you are establishing course and credit requirements within the subject area.

The grade level is not required for elective courses; it is required for all other courses.

Total Subject Default Credits

A tally of the credits for all courses marked Default for the subject is displayed at the bottom of the grid.

The number may not match the number of credits required for the subject.

The total is for the subject, not the grade level.

Trashcan Icon Remove a course from the course requirements for the graduation plan and grade level.

NOTE: The Grad Plan Course Change utility also deletes the course from the district and any associated student graduation plans.

❏ Click Save.