Existing withdrawal reasons are displayed in order by code.

NOTE: Code EP (exit from program) in the system grid is used to indicate that a student is withdrawn from a special program. The student may or may not be withdrawn from the campus at the same time. When a student withdraws from a campus and then reenters the campus or transfers to another campus, a new enrollment record is not created.

❏ Click +Add.

A blank row is added to the user code (lower) grid.


Type a unique two-digit numeric code for the withdrawal reason.


Type a description for the withdrawal reason code, up to 80 characters.

❏ Click Save.

❏ To update a description, type over the existing description and save.

You can only update the description; you cannot update a code. To change a code, you must delete and re-enter the code and description.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.