Free time is the period when the instructor is not available for a class (e.g., conference periods, an assistant coach who helps at multiple campuses but is not the teacher of record, or instructors who are shared between campuses).

❏ Click +Add under Free Time. A blank row is displayed in the Free Time grid.


Select the code indicating the type of free time.

• F-Fixed free time cannot be changed during the master schedule generation process.

• S-Selectable free time can be changed during the master schedule generation process.


Select the code indicating the day or combination of days that the instructor will not teach.


Select the code indicating the semesters during which the instructor will not teach.

Period From
Period To

Select the beginning and ending periods of the instructor's free time. If Period To is blank or set to a period before Period From, the value in the Period From field is automatically used for both.

Trashcan Icon Delete a free time period.