❏ A warning message is displayed if campus control options have not been set. Click OK.

❏ Enter the following:

Max Sems Allowed

Select the number of semesters to be scheduled at the campus for the next school year.

Low Grade

Select the lowest grade level at the campus.

High Grade

Select the highest grade.

Schedule Withdrawn Students

Select if students who withdraw from the campus in the current school year should be scheduled for next year.

Period Begin

Type the first class period that can be scheduled using two digits.

Period End

Type the last class period that can be scheduled using two digits.

Norm Prd Cntrl

The normal period control for the campus is displayed, which is usually equal to number of periods in the school day multiplied by the number of semesters. For example, at a two-semester campus that has 8 periods per day, the normal period control is 16. This number is used to flag students whose course requests vary from what is expected.

Under Scheduling Sequence:

Indicate the order in which grade levels should be scheduled:

❏ Click +Add to add a grade level to the scheduling sequence.

A row is displayed in the Scheduling Sequence grid.


The order in which the grade levels are scheduled is displayed in order from highest (i.e., 1) to lowest priority.


Select the grade level that should be scheduled according to the corresponding Priority field. For example, if you want to schedule 12th grade students first, the Priority field should be set to 1, and the Grade field should be set to 12.

All grade levels must be listed.

Trashcan Icon Delete a grade level from the sequence.

Under ASCENDER StudentPortal Course Requests:

Grant or deny access by grade level to the StudentPortal Student Course Requests system:

❏ Click +Add to add the access status for a grade level.

A blank row is displayed in the ASCENDER StudentPortal Course Requests grid.


Select the grade level that is being assigned/denied access to StudentPortal. All grade levels must be added.

Grade levels will be sorted in ascending order when the page is saved.


Select the status for the grade level.

• Select Open if students can submit course requests through StudentPortal.

• Select Closed if students cannot view or submit course requests through StudentPortal.
If set to Closed, students will not be able to login to StudentPortal to view grades and attendance.

• Select View if students can only view course requests through StudentPortal.
When set to View, students are able to login and view grades, attendance, and course requests.

Trashcan Icon Delete the access status for a grade level.

❏ Click Save.

All other Master Schedule > Campus tabs are enabled.