Teacher Posting Status

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Teacher Posting Status

This page produces a report of classes by cycle that indicates if the teacher's cycle grade posting status is Posted, Ready to Post, or Not Ready to Post.

View data:

A blank report page is displayed allowing you to make selections.


Select the semester for the report.


Select the cycle for the report.

Status Type

Select the posting status for the report:

Not Ready to Post - View course-sections where the teacher has not indicated via TeacherPortal that the cycle grades, comments, or citizenship are 'Ready to Post.'

• If the teacher has entered comments and/or citizenship for at least one student in the course-section for the semester-cycle being run in TeacherPortal, the course-section is included.

• Non-graded course-sections are not included unless the teacher has entered comments or citizenship in TeacherPortal.

Posted - View course-sections where cycle grades, comments, or citizenship have been posted (Grade Posting From ASCENDER TeacherPortal utility).

• If the teacher has entered comments and/or citizenship for at least one student in the course-section for the semester-cycle being run in TeacherPortal, and the course-section is marked Posted, the course-section is included.

• For a non-graded course, if the campus uses auto citizenship and the course-section has been posted, it is included.

• If a teacher on the Posted list needs to change grades, that teacher must be re-set and will need to mark grades as 'Ready to Post' again.

Ready to Post - View course-sections where the instructor has indicated via TeacherPortal that the cycle grades, comments, or citizenship are marked as 'Ready to Post.' These grades will be post in Grade Reporting the next time the Grade Posting From ASCENDER TeacherPortal utility is run.

• Teachers on this list may still change grades, save the changes, and mark grades as 'Ready to Post' again.

• If the teacher has entered comments and/or citizenship for at least one student in the course-section for the semester-cycle being run in TeacherPortal and the course-section is marked as 'Ready to Post,' the course-section is included.

• For a non-graded, if the campus uses auto citizenship and the course-section is marked as 'Ready to Post,' it is included.

NOTES: A teacher may be listed on more than one list.

For non-graded courses, citizenship and report card comments from TeacherPortal are included even if the cycle grade is blank, including auto-posting citizenship for non-graded courses.

❏ Click Retrieve.

The report is displayed.

  • The instructor ID and name, course number, section number, and course title are displayed for each class.
  • Review, save, and print the report.