Grade Computation and Credit Assignment

Grade Reporting > Utilities > Grade Computation and Credit Assignment

This utility calculates and assigns semester grades, final grades, and course credits for secondary grade levels. Numeric grades and pass/fail grades (i.e., report card grade type P) are calculated. Students in elementary grade levels are excluded.

Semester grade calculation

Update data:

❏ Under Options:

Include Withdrawn Students

Select to include withdrawn students in the process.

The utility does not consider the withdrawal date, only if the student is withdrawn.

If selected, and if Include Withdrawn Courses is not selected, withdrawn courses are computed only if they match the withdrawn student's withdrawal date.

Include Withdrawn Courses

Select to include withdrawn courses in the process.

❏ Select the process(es) to be performed:

Compute Semester Average

Select if you are not using TeacherPortal, or if you are calculating blank semester grades when Allow Recomputation is not selected on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Computation.

If selected and if the campus does not use TeacherPortal, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to continue when you execute the utility.

Compute Final Grades

Select to calculate final grades. If selected, the fields under Exclude Final Grade Computations are enabled.

Award Credits

Select to award credits.

Award Credits Self Paced

Select to award credits to self-paced courses. If selected, credits are assigned if the course has a semester grade.


(Required) Select a track number, or select A to calculate grades and assign credits for all tracks.

Reset Non-Graded Courses

Select to clear any grades that have been entered or posted for a student in a non-graded course, or if a graded course is changed to a non-graded course and at least one grade exists for this course.

If selected, and a course with grades assigned is changed to a non-graded course, the grades are deleted in ASCENDER only, not in TeacherPortal.


Select the semesters to be updated. You must select at least one semester.

IMPORTANT! Select all semesters that should be updated; semesters are considered when awarding grades or credits.

Grade Levels

Select one or more specific grade levels to be updated (e.g., 12th grade only). Or, click All Grade Levels to update all grade levels.

• To select multiple non-consecutive rows, press and hold the CTRL key while selecting the first row and then the subsequent rows.

• To select multiple consecutive rows, click the first grade level and drag to select multiple grade levels. Or, press and hold the SHIFT key while selecting the first row and then the last row. All the rows (between the first and last rows) are selected.

Campus Control Information

Settings from several Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options tabs are used when the utility is run. The settings are displayed for your reference.

The Allow Partial Credit and Credit Sequence fields in the district master schedule are also considered in processing.

Exclude Final Grade Computations

The section is enabled only if Compute Final Grades is selected. Select any options to be excluded from final grade computation. The options only apply to courses that were not taken for all semesters of the course.

If you select to exclude one or more, a list of the students and courses excluded from final grade computation is produced.

If applicable, a message is displayed indicating that no courses qualify for exclusion.

❏ Click Execute.

A progress bar displays the progress of the student IDs being processed.

If the following conditions exist, the process is stopped, and a message is displayed:

You must clear either Compute Semester Average or Allow Recomputation.

If the following conditions exist, the process is interrupted, and a message is displayed:

You are prompted to continue the process. Click Yes to recalculate all grades, or click No to stop the process.

  • If errors are encountered, an error report is generated at the bottom of the page.

    Review, save, and/or print the report.

    NOTE: Warnings may indicate that semester records were bypassed for students who retook failed courses.

Print Excl ListIf students and courses were excluded from final grade computation, click to print the Exclusion list.Review, save, and/or print the report.
Print PartialIf any course was not taken for all semesters of the course, but was included in final grade computation, print a list of students who only took part of the course. Review, save, and/or print the report.