Create Master Schedule

Scheduling > Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Generate Campus Schedule > Create Mstr Sched

This tab allows you to create the master schedule, generate the master schedule list, and accept the schedule. The Resource Allocator information is used to create the course sections and meeting times.

Create master schedule:

Recalc Conflicts

Select if you want to recompute the course conflicts (i.e., the number of student course requests that conflict with each other) to determine the best period to place a course-section.

The field must be selected when course requests have changed so that courses are scheduled in the correct order.

• If the conflicts have not been built, the program builds the conflicts whether or not this field is selected.

• If there are records in the conflict table, the program does not rebuild the conflicts unless this field is selected.

❏ Click Create Schedule.

If you have previously created a schedule, a message is displayed the next time you click Create Schedule. Click OK.

The Master Schedule Generator begins building the course sections.

The pre-placed courses are scheduled first. The generator will try to place the section in the period and semester with the least amount of conflicts. It will also attempt to balance periods and semesters. For example, if two or more periods have the same least amount of conflicts for a one-semester course, it will look at the semesters and place the section in the semester with the least sections already placed. If the Generator is not able to assign a teacher who has the course as a resource course, and you selected Generate if Unable to Assign Tchr, the section will still be created, and there will be a message on the error list. The previous situation will work the same for the rooms. If Assign Teachers is selected, and one of the courses does not have a teacher designated with that resource course, the section will generate if Generate if Unable to Assign Tchr is selected, and there will be a message on the error list.

NOTE: The program first checks for any invalid courses. If invalid courses exist on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Resource Allocator > Section Info, a message is displayed, and the schedule is not created. Click OK and view the error report. The data in Resource Allocator must be corrected before proceeding.

❏ When the generator finishes, click View Mstr Sched List to view the Master Schedule Generator Priority Listing, which prints the options used to generate the schedule, the courses in order of generation, and the information about the course sections.

  • Review, save, or print the report.

❏ If errors were encountered, click Show Error to view the report.

  • Review, save, or print the report.

WARNING: Do not accept the schedule until you are certain it is correct! Before you click Accept Schedule, you must do the following:

  • Review the master schedule report and verify the following based on the trial scheduling load:
    • The instructor's student loads are balanced.
    • The instructors have approximately the same number of students across periods.
    • The load percentage is acceptable.

  • Be sure all data on the Sections tab is correct. The sections and meeting times created by the Master Schedule Generator are saved to temporary tables and can be adjusted on the Sections tab. Review the sections and meeting times created by the Master Schedule Generator, and make all necessary adjustments. Ensure all data on the Sections tab is correct before returning to the Create Mstr Sched tab to accept the schedule.

When the schedule is correct:

❏ Create a password for the zipped file, and enter the same password in both the Export File Password and Verify Password fields.

❏ Click Accept Schedule to accept the master schedule.

You are prompted to export the existing course sections to a zipped file, unless there are currently no course sections in the campus master schedule:

❏ Select the location in which to save the data backup file.
❏ Click OK.

After accepting, this becomes the official student master schedule for the upcoming school year.