Study Hall

Scheduling > Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Resource Allocator > Study Hall

This tab allows you to set up study hall courses.

Set up study hall courses:

Existing study hall are displayed in order by instructor ID.

  • The list can be re-sorted.
  • If there are multiple pages, page through the list.

❏ Click Spyglass Icon to add a study hall course.
❏ Or, click +Add to update an existing study hall course.

The fields below the grid are enabled.


Click to select the course.


Select up to eight semester patterns for study hall courses.


Select the period ranges (from/to periods) for up to four study hall courses.


Select the code indicating if the restrictions always apply (i.e., fixed) or can be overridden (i.e., selectable) by the user. This field applies to the other restriction fields for this course-section (gender, team, and grade level).


Select a gender if the section is restricted to one gender.


(Optional) If you are using Team Code, select a team code if you want to restrict section membership to a certain group or team of students. Team codes are established on Maintenance > Team Code.

Grade Level

If there are grade level restrictions for the course-section, select the lowest grade level allowed.

In the adjacent + field, type the number of additional grade levels that are eligible to take the course.

For example, if the course is for 7th and 8th grade students, select 07 in the Grd Restr field, and type 1 in the + field.

Max Seats

Type the maximum number of seats available for the study hall course.


Click Ellipsis Icon to select the room in which to schedule the study hall course.


Click Ellipsis Icon to select the instructor assigned to the study hall course. The instructor's name is displayed.

If you want to assign specific instructors and rooms to the study halls, and you know how you want them assigned, enter those study hall classes on Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus > Sections. Otherwise, if a room or instructor is specified in the Resource Allocator, the room and instructor are assigned to as many study halls as possible.

❏ Click Save.

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a record.