Master Schedule (Live Scheduling Load)

Scheduling > Maintenance > Live Scheduling Load > Master Sched

This tab generates the Master Schedule With Reset Seats report for the scheduling load.

The report lists the course and instructor information, restrictions, number of maximum seats, number of students assigned (counts by gender and totals), and the number of remaining seats in the section by semester. Counts include students scheduled during this scheduling load and other students previously accepted from a prior scheduling load. The report is used to check class balancing (i.e., that approximately the same number of students are scheduled into each section).

  • Max Seats - The number of seats fort the section.
  • Assigned - Boy/Girl - The number of boys and girls assigned to each section.
  • Assigned - Total - The total number of students assigned to each section. This column will help you identify how well your sections are balanced; generally, section totals should be approximately the same.
  • Remaining - The number of seats still open for the semester.

View report:

❏ Enter report criteria:

Break-down by Course and Grd Lvl

Select if you want to display the report with total course requests assigned and unassigned by grade level for each course. Otherwise, these breakdowns are not included.

❏ Click Retrieve Report.

  • Review, save, or print the report.